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Life Skills Transitions Program

Support Youth Aging Out Of Foster Care TODAY

$0 raised

$25,000 goal

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Young adults who age out of foster care are in need of additional support to successfully transition to independent living. National statistics show that approximately 20% of foster youth become homeless the day they age out, are less likely to complete education degrees, and are at higher risk for human trafficking and incarceration. One of the best ways to reduce these risks is to provide foster care transition programs that help young people transition to adulthood. Oregon is particularly vulnerable as the state has limited life skills training services. The state only supports approximately 9% of youth transitioning out of foster care, which is 14% below the national average.


Our Life Skills Transitions Program provides life skills and job training for young adults aged 18-23 who are currently in or have recently exited the foster care system in the greater Portland area. The program is 6-weeks long and focuses on job readiness with group workshops that instruct participants in interview preparation, resume writing, filling out job applications, narrowing down a skill set, financial literacy (e.g. how much do they need to make to support themselves?), banking, and budgeting.

The program includes community partnerships that assist in first time employment opportunities. We also work with employment agencies to assist our young adults in exiting the program with a job. Below are some additional details about the program.